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  1. Thanks for the ideas.
    Me and my family usually go to Formentera, which is in the Balearic Islands. It’s a beautiful island with incredible beaches. I imagine similar to Mallorca, although much smaller.
    This summer we want to better explore the Azores. What I already know made me fall in love with the archipelago. But there are so many islands and all so different. So this year we are going to spend more time in the Azores.

  2. You Look Beautiful. Congratulations. Happy Travels.


Sometimes the most simple travel experiences are the most magical ✨
If you want a step-by-step guide on how to find this “honesty” farmhouse and Prosecco vending machine in Italy, comment CHEERS and I’ll DM you exactly where you can find it!
#italy #prosecco #charcuterie #roadtrip #travelsecrets