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  1. sushil

    This is really helpful content for those who really can’t afford to travel. By the way I love the content you have been posting lately!

    • The Blonde Abroad

      Thank you, Sushil!

  2. Rodrigo

    This content helps so many people that needs to travel but don’t have so much money for it.

    Your content cleared my mind what i need to do.

    Thank you very much 🙂

    • The Blonde Abroad

      Hey Rodrigo! Thank you for the kind words, glad you found this 🙂


Sometimes the most simple travel experiences are the most magical ✨
If you want a step-by-step guide on how to find this “honesty” farmhouse and Prosecco vending machine in Italy, comment CHEERS and I’ll DM you exactly where you can find it!
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