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  1. Jamie

    Hi! Do you know if you need to have primary health insurance to be eligible for travel insurance like this? I’ve found some quotes that are all secondary insurance – but I’m in between health insurance providers at the moment while I travel, so was hoping to get travel insurance just to cover me in an emergency!

    • The Blonde Abroad

      Hi Jamie! I’m not sure – I think it’ll depend on where you are trying to get insurance through and also where you are traveling to. I would get in contact with the insurance company via phone or email to get details!

      • Jamie

        Thanks, I’ll do that!

  2. Lois

    Great article! Recently started getting serious about making sure we are covered when we travel. We’ve had good luck so far, but I don’t want to get caught in an unexpected bad situation and not have options. Thanks for the info!

    • The Blonde Abroad

      Hey Lois! I hear ya. It’s saved my booty a number of times and I find it’s always better to have than not.


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