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  1. Alex

    Hi! I just love your blog – I’ve been using it for years to help plan my travels – so thank you for all the great info! I’m trying to plan my Panama trip for Christmas/New Years and need to visit San Blas but I’m having trouble figuring out how to do it – do we stay on a certain island, stay on a sail boat – are their any sailboats you can stay on with other travelers to help keep it a bit more budget friendly, etc. Do you have any info on this – it would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Erica Valentin

    Were you sitting in the old Panama Ruins in the one photo looking out from the window? Just curious because my grandma is from panama ….and her mother (my great-grandma) did a landscape painting of those ruins back in the 40’s and we still have it in my grandmas house 🙂

    • The Blonde Abroad

      Hey Erica! 🙂 I think that might’ve been the place. And how special is that?!


Sometimes the most simple travel experiences are the most magical ✨
If you want a step-by-step guide on how to find this “honesty” farmhouse and Prosecco vending machine in Italy, comment CHEERS and I’ll DM you exactly where you can find it!
#italy #prosecco #charcuterie #roadtrip #travelsecrets